Chase bank is one of the largest banks in the world and has some of the best checking, savings, and business accounts available on the market today. However, you may find yourself needing to close an account at some point if you have too many accounts, you want to switch to another bank, or you’re planning to move out of the country. No matter what the case, Chase provides numerous options for closing an account.
What to Do Before Your Chase Account is Closed
Before your Chase checking or savings account is closed, there are a few things you should do before in order to ensure your transition is seamless and you don’t get stuck with various fees that could’ve been avoided.
- Make sure you have an account either with Chase or another bank to ensure the transition to a new bank account is painless.
- Before you close your Chase account, make sure any outstanding items have cleared. This includes checks, ATM/debit card transactions, direct deposits or other automatic/recurring debits or credits. Once you close your account, anything outstanding would bounce or could potentially re-open the account, and could create unnecessary fees.
- Switch all direct deposits and automatic payments to your new bank, and let the Chase account you’re trying to close sit for a week to a few weeks to ensure there is nothing that’s still automatically using the account.
Methods of Closing a Chase Bank Account
Close Chase Account in Person
The easiest and most preferred way to close a Chase account is to do it in person at a branch, after all the fees you’ve paid Chase for keeping a checking or savings account is for the convenience of being able to physically visit a Chase bank location and speak to a real human being.
In order to close a Chase account in person, simply locate a Chase bank location and visit in person. Chase retail bank locations can be found via the Chase website here. Simply enter a zip code, address, city, or state, and hit search. The Chase branch locator will be able to find you a Chase bank location along with the hours of the location. Keep in mind that most Chase banking locations are closed on Sundays however, are open for limited hours on Saturday.
Once you enter a Chase bank location, ask for a relationship banker who can help walk you through the process. Be sure to bring information about your bank account such as the account you’d like to close as well as identification such as a Driver’s License or other form of Government ID so they can verify your identity. You may also need to provide information such as your date of birth as well as your Social Security Number as well, so keep that information handy.
Close Chase Account by Phone
If you live far away from a Chase retail location or you prefer not to step foot into a Chase banking location, another option is to close the bank account by phone.
Call Chase Customer Service at 1-800-935-9935. Go through the phone prompts or hit “0” in order to get connected to a customer service representative. Inform the customer service representative that you’d like to close your Chase account. Be prepared to provide your account number and some personal information such as your name, date of birth, social security number, or other identifying information.
Close Chase Account Online
If you’re out of the country and don’t have access to a Chase physical retail location or can’t call them via phone, another option is to close the Chase account online.

In order to close the Chase account online, you can go to the Chase website and log into your account. Then, go to the Secure Message Center to send a secure message to a Chase Customer Service Representative. A Chase Customer Service Representative will then get back to you regarding your account closure request and may ask you to provide some information and confirm your account closure request. Once you’ve provided this information via the Secure Message Center, they will then proceed to close your account.
What to Do Once Your Chase Account is Closed
Once your account is closed, the balance inside the account if it’s a checking or savings account will be sent to you via a check in the mail or it can also be transferred into another Chase account. If you chose to receive the money by check, be sure to keep track of whether or not you received the check and if not, be sure to contact Chase customer service as soon as possible. If you had the balance transferred to another Chase account, be sure to check the Chase account you transferred the balance to in order to ensure that account was credited the correct balance.